Yes. A seasoned REALTOR® will possess the skill and market data necessary to make sure you are able to obtain right property for the most reasonable price.
Yes. Properties do not simply sell for the highest price in the shortest amount of time without expertise. Also, there is a tremendous amount of liability involved in a real estate transaction and I make sure we significantly limit your risk.
Yes. I would not recommend buying a new home from a builder without a professional looking out for your interest. When buying a resale, REALTORS® use contracts and forms that are “tried and true”. No two transactions are alike but the process of buying an existing home involves standardized agreements, that can be altered to fit your needs. Conversely, the builder’s agreements are unique and heavily lopsided towards the Seller/Builder. The process will often not guarantee you get the home you have contracted even after you have provided a deposit, spent other funds, and waited months.
No. However, in the state of Arizona, the contracts often used by REALTORS® will indeed protect your earnest as well as your right to it.